Dry January In a world where social occasions often involve clinking glasses or having a pint or two, the decision to give up alcohol may seem like a daunting one. While many people are aware of the general health…
Taking on New Private Patients Due to Tobi Topliss joining the practice we are now able to take on new Private Patients. Please call reception 01323 720980 to book an appointment.
Children’s teeth When should I take my child to the dentist? It is recommended that children should go to the dentist with their parents as soon as possible. You should then take…
Food and drink with suprising oral health benefits Yogurt, milk and cheeses Any type of healthy diary product has calcium which will help strengthen your bones and teeth. Yogurts and cheese are ideal as they contain these vitamins…
New 3-D imaging scanner Beech House Imaging suite We now have a purpose built imaging room, with an x-ray scanner that can image the teeth, jaws and jaw joints. This is an invaluable diagnostic…
Baby Food Pouches We are calling for action on the obscene levels of sugar in many popular brands of baby food pouches to protect children’s oral health. These pouches have surged in popularity…